website name ideas

7 Ideas on Picking a Name for Your Website

website name ideas

Picking a domain name is very similar to picking a name for your company was spend a lot of time actually thinking about the name of your domain to make sure it reflects the type of business that you’re in. Your domain name is like an ID that your tag to on the Internet, so with this in mind pick a name that’s really simple, very easy to remember and easy to share. Below is a short list of ideas:


Make it easy to remember:

By having website that’s easy to remember, people will be able to recall it much easier. While at the keyboard your customers will not need to take a long string of notes or tempted to remember something unfamiliar.

Keep it short:

This will be short to write out yet still easier to remember, the people will be able to type it out and spell it much more effectively as well.

Use keywords:

We use keywords in the choosing of your domain name not only describes your business, but also works with the search engines to help categorize your website as well. This works is a great Search Engine Optimization tactic to make sure your name won’t get confused with any other types of businesses within the search engine. If your business sells cupcakes, for example, having a name like Bethany’s Cupcakes or Cupcake Factory is a great name because it already has the specific niche or product name already into the domain.

Include your location:

If you own a local business in your area, consider using your city within the actual domain name. This will specify a region that you work in and since people often type the city that they are in to search for local listings this will simply help give you a little boost toward them finding you.

Pick only domain name to have a .com available:

Most people when searching the web or hear of any new business will usually look for any website will automatically assume that it is to .com compared to websites that has or .net usually is in the first unit comes to mind when searching the web, or what people look for when a website is mentioned.

Hyphens and numbers:

Avoid hyphens or numbers into your domain name at all costs do it, you missed a chance of it being less easy to remember, as well as increasing the chances of it being miss typed or misspelled. Try to stick to using only alpha characters and abbreviations are fine too.

Word combinations:

By combining two words together ie. Microchip and Software = Microsoft you can come up with some pretty unique, interesting and original names for your business.