A simple idea well executed can do wonders for a poster, postcard, shopping bag, or any design campaign for that matter. This is just what was done in this execution concept for Barbie Exhibition New York. What would happen if you gave fashion designers the job of creating a dress for the most popular girl in the world? Well, that was the idea behind this campaign using everything to be relative in contrast to scale. The most challenging aspect of this project was that I was really forced to get out of my comfort zone.

The final idea came over a period of over several revisions on this project before the overall theme was discovered. K.I.S.S., Keep It Simple (and) Stupid, the tried and true motto from advertising worked to its fullest in the final design outcomes. The simple color scheme, typography, and concept itself was kept clear and direct across all three executions. Right down to the postcards of a tiny swimsuit on a full sized hanger each idea was uniquely executed to suit the mood into something of real thoughtfulness in design. The only thing that wasn’t photographed was the manikin on the poster but every design element in the concepts are all deliberately conceived of to the finest detail in the final shots.