Ok, so there are literally billions of websites that are all trying to your attention so the question is; How do you make your site stand out and get recognize from the rest of the competition? Just because you created a website won’t mean that people are going to just flood the storm gates, and shower you with orders. After you’ve innovated a new website, you now have to market that website and share it with people will most likely be interested. Everything on this journey begins with having a clear message, great content, and a really simple navigation and page structure. And when it comes to actually marketing your website you want to get it out there in the web by sharing it, emailing it, tweeting, Facebook, conversing, and adding immense value!
Writing good and fresh content
You should write good content that people want to consume, not just what you’re interested in. It’s no surprise that there are a lot of people out there who only care about themselves. The majority will always be excited to come back to your site to learn more about their interest or even to feel good every once and a while. The best advice that I could give on this would be to keep it consistent and relevant to what people are interested in your particular industry or niche and to keep it up-to-date.
Using relevant keywords
Using keywords that are commonly used in your industry will help boost your rankings. Typically these keywords you want to post near the beginning of your post and at the end of your post. You don’t ever want too many keywords your site. ‘Why not, my 14 year-old neighbor has a blog and he does this all the time?’ Google will penalize you, because they are perceived that you are just shoving your site with keywords in order to make rankings. Although they have a new way of handling this particular issue, Google has found a way to work around it and your site will loose rankings before you know it.
Website structure
Make sure your website is structured in the navigation in such a way that it’s clear where each link in are going to. You want to use words and phrases that are most commonly used with in the culture, there’s nothing more annoying than having a page titled “fishing” and it ends up going to a page titled “Bass Pro Rods.” Just keep it simple and relative.
Start a Blog
Search engines eat up new content that’s put out on the web. Whenever you put out new content the search engine spiders search your website for something fresh and obviously helps people find your site as you add more content. An easier way to get search engines to recognize this is to update your site every few days. However, there are exceptions when people update their site as few as once a month, but the more constant the habit the more commonly that your sites visitors will make up for the lack of posting. If you don’t want to start blog, you can easily do a “news” section where you can share you blog related to your industry, tips and tricks, recipes, new ideas that you’ve discovered, portfolio pieces, rants, photos are interesting things you find along the web, just make sure your costly pumping out content or adding value for your audience/consumers.
Listings, Listings, Listings
The more sites that link to your website and the bigger these websites are linking to you, the more important Google sees your site. This will give you huge kudos especially if it’s coming from something like a school, the news, or even a newspaper, or magazine. These website listings play a huge part in adding more and more value to your site by using links to connect to your site.
Add your website to your email signature
Gmail and Yahoo Mail as well as many other mailing platforms will allow you to add your email signature. In the footer of all your outgoing and replying messages, this is a great opportunity to add a link to your website. That way people will immediately have access to your content every time you send out an email.
Get advertised
Now that Facebook can be utilized for advertising as well as Google ad words, you can leverage these to get your website noticed in draw more traffic to your site. Be careful; because these are things you will have to pay for you don’t need deep pockets just make sure you have some paly money to test for the best results. So you might want to have a great strategy in choosing the right way to advertise through Facebook or Google.
Created YouTube video and open up YouTube channel
If you have a great radio voice or interesting display of personality you created YouTube video. This is probably one of the more entertaining and engaging ways to share your content and definitely get noticed. If you are to do these make sure that you have the right equipment, white lighting, good recording software, and a place so you won’t be disturbed during filming.
Use your email to send newsletters
If done right, you create an email marketing campaign that will not only inform your visitors of new content you publish, but it will also give them something they can share with other people on their own or through other email sources. Just make sure you have an Opt-Out system for them so you don’t get a bunch of hate mail. Even with all this included, there is no one perfect formula to bring visitors to your site and there’s definitely no magic button to be pushed that will have everybody flocking to it.
To Wrap It Up
By boosting your presence on the web it will begin to gain traction over a long period of time, thus increasing the amount of viewers to your platforms. Yet having an overall strategy, a desired outcome, and using tactics that ports your overall strategy, and doing this inch by inch it becomes a cinch. Your website needs to be optimized, so that the big players of Google, Bing, and Yahoo can find your site to store into their database. Also you’ll need to come up with interesting ways to share your products and services with other people without making it seem that it’s the only reason you talk to them in the first place, even though it may be true. So let’s avoid the overarching and commonly used message “Hi! Buy My Sh*t!” and go out there and rock it!